
Basrah Security attacks a number of journalists

Basrah Governor Security attacked a number of journalists who were covering an event attended by the Governor at the State Company for Land Transportation. Press Freedom Advocacy Association’s representative in Basrah said that a number of journalists were beaten and insulted by the Governor’s security; …

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Confinement of NRT cadres in Erbil

Kurdish Asayesh (security forces) confined, today, Wednesday, two journalists working in Nalia station or NRT located near KRG parliament Union during their meeting that was covered by the aforementioned station. The meeting was held to discuss the recent events that have erupted in KRG. Representative …

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A Journalist shot in Baghdadi Area

Dhiyaa Hassan Al-sharifi, a colleague journalist, and the (Extra News) correspondent was shot by anonymous attackers during his station’s coverage of events in Baghdadi District. Al-Sharifi told Press Freedom Advocacy Association that anonymous people attacked a convoy of journalists and their equipment, from Alalam and …

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