
Former Prime Minister Sues Journalist

22/7/2024 Former Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi has filed a lawsuit against writer and journalist Qais Hassan for describing Al-Kadhimi as the worst among Iraq’s leaders and rulers. Hassan received a phone call from the Journalists’ Syndicate informing him of the lawsuit and the date of …

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Iraqi Injured Cameramen forced to return to Baghdad

14/10/2023  Thaer al-Sudani and Maher al-Mashhadani, Reuters cameramen, were lightly wounded by Israeli shelling in southern Lebanon.The  Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq learned from a source in the agency, that the two colleagues work in the Baghdad office, and were dispatched to southern Lebanon, …

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Baghdadiya Stormed by Sadrists After Protest

4/10/2023 A number of supporters of the Sadrist movement on Tuesday evening, stormed the office of the “Baghdadia” channel in Baghdad. the presenter of the program “Studio Nine” Ali al-Dhubhawi was seized and led to an unknown destination, according to workers in the channel. The …

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Protests Demanding Dues Choked in Kirkuk

2/10/2023 A riot security element stormed the filming site of KNN channel amid a demonstration in Kirkuk, and demanded that the filming of the demonstration that took place in Kirkuk, on Sunday, cuts immediatly. A video clip snatched by the channel’s camera was seen by …

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Fallujah Cameraman Detained in Basra

1/9/2023 The security forces in Basra arrested Ali Ahmad, cameraman of “Fallujah” channel while covering the return of visitors from the visit of Arbaiin, to the province. The Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq was informed by a phone call of its coordinator that the …

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Cameraman Arrested for Documenting Accident in Halabja

26/8/2023   Members of the Security of the “Khormal” hospital in the Halabja district, seized the camera of Speeda cameraman, Shakhwan Saeed on Saturday morning. The channel confirmed to the Press Freedom Advocacy Association that the “Speeda” cameraman, was on a special mission to cover …

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Three Media Groups Detained in Sulaimaniyah

    27/5/2023 Security agents in Sulaymaniyah detained the teams of “Rudaw”, “Payam” and “NRT” channels while they were trying to cover a demonstration held by the people of the “Peramkron” area. The coordinator of the Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq, Sulaymaniyah reported that …

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PFAA Denounces Hate Speech

  20/6/2023 The Press Freedom Advocacy Association participated in a meeting organized by the Human Rights Office of the United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) on the occasion of the International Day to Combat Hate Speech. After condemning dangerous hate speech in Iraq, the association …

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Iraqi Press Day Denied Coverage by PM Security

  17/6/2023 The Prime Minister’s protection prevented cameramen from entering the hall of the Rashid Hotel, which witnessed the central ceremony of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate on the occasion of the 154th National Day of the Iraqi Press, on Saturday morning. According to the correspondent …

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