The Iraqi Communication and Media Commission (CMC) has issued a directive designating 19 specific legal professionals as the sole guests for legal discussions on media appearances.
The list contains 19 qualified members of the Iraqi Bar Association that have been specified by CMC according to the authority it has been granted by order No.65 of 2004; a list to be hosted exclusively by the media for discussing legal affairs.
This decision follows a letter from the Iraqi Bar Association which recently imposed penalties on several lawyers particularly those opposing amendments to the Iraqi Personal Status Law.
Meanwhile the Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq expressed its dire concern over this directive arguing that the CMC has overstepped its boundaries during recent periods by blocking news sites and the censorship of various pages and relieving press workers from their posts without legal grounds. The Association condemns this dictatorial practice holding the Prime Minister accountable for the recent events related to this issue and urging a review of the CMC’s decisions.
Press Freedom Advocacy Association.