Kurdish Asayesh (security forces) confined, today, Wednesday, two journalists working in Nalia station or NRT located near KRG parliament Union during their meeting that was covered by the aforementioned station. The meeting was held to discuss the recent events that have erupted in KRG.
Representative of Press Freedom Advocacy in KRG said that two of our colleagues, Barzan Mulla Amin and Amin Jumani were confined in an Asayesh vehicle for two hours, and all equipment was confiscated including cameras and live broadcasting devices.
Reporters were told by the forces that they were not authorized to perform duty in Erbil.
The incident came after both stations of NRT and KNN of (Altaghyir bloc) were closed in Erbil, Duhouk and Souran city 11 days ago. The incident took place as a response to emerging protests by the public. Th Kurdistani Party (Altaghyir bloc) was accused for fueling violence in Suleimaniya. Barzan Mulla Amin, NRT correspondent told Press Freedom Advocacy that a civil dressed individual asked for my ID and I refused to obey, so two cars (Ford) reached the spot and took us for interrogation adding that we were not authorized to work for our station and freed them after two hours along the freeway (Sad Matri).
On his part Omid said that all equipment was confiscated and after taking their IDs they were told that they were prohibited from work in Erbil.
Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq outlines that many Human Rights violations were committed in very short period of time by the authorities of KRG since demonstrations erupted.
Press Freedom Advocacy Association warns KRG authorities from the consequences of the muzzling policy and limitations on expression, considering that KRG like many other parts in Iraq is witnessing a civil movement where no coverage should be curbed or drawn out of the scene. Especially that the constitution has secured such rights for media. We hereby call the security forces in Erbil to return all related equipment anddevices.