On Monday, Karbala Court of inquiry summoned the correspondent of I news Satellite channel Haidar Hadi, on the background of reports of corruption issues in the province.
On Monday, Karbala Court of inquiry summoned the correspondent of I news Satellite channel Haidar Hadi, on the background of reports of corruption issues in the province.
Haidar Hadi, told the Association for the press freedom advocacy in Iraq, “I was surprised to receive a summons this morning from the commission of Integrity to investigate me at the Karbala inquiry Court following a complaint filed by provincial council member Nasser al-Khazali after publishing several reports related to incidents that indicate corruption against which Karbala residents protested In the past days.
Adding that “the investigating judge decided to release me on bail at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday after being acquainted with the circumstances of the complaint.” At the time that Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq denounces cases of provocation of media professionals, using the law by politicians and influential people, it demands that political leaders and influential personalities and state institutions to protect the security and freedom of journalistic work instead of targeting them and manipulating the law to narrow down Journalists. Journalists are also required to push in order to amend the articles on publishing crimes under the Iraqi Penal Code, where the Association completed its draft and handed it to the presidency of the House of Representatives and the parliamentary Human Rights Committee to curb the acts of hazing that fall under the name of the law