Security forces in Kirkuk prevented satellite Media workers from reaching their offices on Tuesday morning.
The Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq was informed through a telephone call with reporter of Kalli Kurdistan in Kirkuk , Azad Shakur that the security forces prevented him and NRT correspondent Diar Mohammed from crossing by their vehicles to their workplaces, which forced them to leave the main streets and walk through the secondary streets to get to work.
Shakur said security forces also prevented Shafq News correspondent Hazzar Rashid from covering a market in Kirkuk, asking him to clear the camera and leave immediately, while Iraqi Kurdish channel correspondent Aji Jawhar was prevented from crossing checkpoints on Monday to reach his place of residence.
The Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq expresses its astonishment at these actions, although it is stressed that they are excluded from the quarantine, which violates the freedom of journalistic work.
The association also calls on the governor of Kirkuk and security leaders to direct the forces under their command to abide by the instructions issued by the higher authorities, which include facilitating the work of journalists at the time of the health quarantine.