Press Material Erased From Cameras in Daquq


Federal Police Members in Kirkuk seized the equipment of the NRT channel and the “Zoom Media” media institution staff, while they were returning from a coverage on the security situation in Daquq district in Kirkuk governorate. Press Freedom Advocacy Association-PFAA  in Iraq had information from its sources in Kirkuk, that the journalists were in a special coverage on most prominent developments regarding security situation in Daquq district, after receiving information about an activity of members affiliated from ISIS to disturb the security situation in the district

PFAA also knew that police asked NRT journalist and cameraman Diyar Mohammed, Nabz Moqdad  and Zoom Media Institution reporter and cameraman Rokan Mahmood and Karzan Mohammed to leave Daquq district immediately and not to return for any kind of coverage.

The association expresses its concern about the security forces’ constant harassments of the journalists in Kirkuk and their dictatorial orders that prevent reporting and coverage without justification.

PFAA considers this incident a violation of press and media work in the country and a clear violation of the constitutional rights. It demands that the security authorities in Baghdad to intervene and to order its members to follow the law and the constitution, and to hold the security leaders in Kirkuk accountable  due to their irresponsible orders to the security force members.

PFAA also calls the journalists in Kirkuk to report any violation in order to be documented and published to the public, locally and internationally.

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