The home of Heba Hussain, correspondent for NINA News Agency, was showered by militants’ fire in eastern Baghdad.
Hiba told Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq, that the attack was held at midnight, on Saturday. the house was seriously damaged but no lives were claimed. bullets smashed her car window and the inner doors of the house. the attack also left its holes deep inside the facade’s walls but no human casualties were reported since the family went to a deeper side of the house. Hiba Hussain who is a correspondent for NINA News Agency, and vice president of youth Media and Press confederation which is affiliated to the Journalists’ syndicate, demands through Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq to activate the Press Protection Law by authorities. she also said that the press pension law should be reviewed which the syndicate is keen to accomplish as part of securing the rights of special media staffs.
Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq condemns repeated assaults against journalists and media workers in Baghdad, and demands that related security sides investigate the incident and eliminate using weapons against media workers in the country.