Ali Ibrahim, Al-Sumaria correspondent was verbally abused by Diyala Health Director, Ali Al-Shachi upon covering the health situation in the province.
Ammar Talal, Al-Sumaria Director told Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq that his co-worker Ali Ibrahim received an abusing SMS sent by Diyala Health Director on the background of broadcasting his report that reflected on the health situation and the comments of a corona survivor. Adding that the patient talked about the deteriorating services of the hospital where he was quarantined.
The Director closed his statement with mentioning the channel’s intention to file a lawsuit against Diyala Health Director, Dr. Ali Al-Shachi. Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq considers this action as an immoral violation against press Freedom in the country, and demands that all governmental institutions set a number of procedures to refrain from abusing media personnel especially in these critical times and to adhere to the regulations that enable press to function at full potential and convey reality to public