مقالات رأي

General Ports Company blocks press

4 اكتوبر 2016 General Company for Ports in Iraq prohibited several media teams from covering the visit of Iraqi MPs to Um Qaser Port to investigate the grounds of the disputed rice contract that was claimed not to be suitable for human consumption. Sumaria News …

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13 press teams of 9 media bodies attacked in Kurdistan

  28/9/2016   Thirteen press teams in Erbil and Sulaimania were attacked, imprisoned, their equipment were confiscated and they were prevented from carrying on their duties to cover the demonstrations that flooded the province because of bad economic and financial situation. Representative for Press Freedom …

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Thunder flash attack on Khaniqin journalist

An attack executed by unidentified persons was carried out in Khaniqin on journalist Amir Ali’s house. The thunder flash attack took place in Arkwazy Taza area to the east of Diyala in Khaniqin area. Amir Ali, who works for Iraq Oil Report journal told Press …

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Cameraman killed at Khazer KRG

  On Sunday, cameraman of Kurdistan TV satellite channel Mustafa Saeed was killed during PKK attack against Daash in Khazer pivot that lies about 50 KM far from Erbil. Heiman Nanikly was injured during to ongoing battles. Shimzen Stony, Newsroom Manager at the same channel …

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Press attacked for MOD Conference Chaos

  Chaos that was raised today by the tribe of Minister of Defense, Khalid Alubaidi, in Mansour Hotel in Baghdad, resulted in attacking a number of journalists and media cadres who were on duty and covering the conference. Among those attacked were Leaks News correspondent, …

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Journalist viciously murdered in Duhouk

  Security forces found the body of Widat Hussein Ali, correspondent for Ruz News that is close to PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) at 2:30 pm on the main road that links Seimeil Area with Duhouk, shortly after being abducted early on Saturday morning by an …

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Alghadir correspondent injured on duty

  Alghadir cameraman Amjad Alsalim, was injured last Saturday during Alkhaldiya liberation operations on day one. Press Freedom Advocacy Association knew that the cameraman has sustained severe injuries due to a mortar shell that cut off both his legs. At the time that the Association …

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A photojournalist wounded in Mosul battles

  After sustaining injuries from a blast in Qayara south of Mosul, Photojournalist Arwa Abdulkarim Altimimi was transferred to Alkadhmiya hospital in Baghdad for further treatment. Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq learnt that Altimimi is healing and is still receiving tense medical care; her …

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Rudaw under attack

A midnight attack was carried out against Rudaw Media Network, by anonymous individuals. The incident was triggered by storming the place with a grenade that devastated the channel’s silence by injuring two of its guards and a PR member of staff. The police reached the …

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